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Mission And Vision

Our Mission Is Not To 'Teach' But To 'Share' Awareness. Our Vision Is Not a 'Deceptive Dream' But To Be 'Realistic'


The children of today are the future of ‘not only The Nation but The Mother Nature’. Our mission is to reach as many children as possible, make them aware of the real root cause behind today’s and upcoming challenges – and the root cause is ‘Our Own Behavior’

Why are we saying so?

Looking back in time, we humans supposedly have many achievements in many fields of life. The technological and scientific advancements have exceptionally raised the standards of living especially in last two decades (Year 2000-2020).

However, on the other hand in spite of achieving unprecedented ‘growth’ & ‘development’, if we ask questions to ourselves, “Are we satisfied?” “Are we happy?“ Then the honest answer is ‘No’. We all are facing problems at all levels; individual, social and environmental. Material or Physical Growth and resulting Consumerism is the root cause of all the problems because those are happening at the cost of Mother Nature.

As the author of the book ‘Ahead To Nature’, respected Mr. Dilip Kulkarni rightly said, “The present crisis has developed not ‘in spite of’ the achievements but ‘due to’ them”. So true! COVID19 spanning 2019-2021+ is a big representative of such issues – it has shown us the mirror of what we have become.

It is time to change our behavior and deeds.


We would like to see our children thinking of a lifestyle that helps in evolution of consciousness, upgrading individuals and society at ethical and moral level which will indirectly lead to environmental sustainability. The lifestyle which will be eco-centric than human-centric. Which will be simple, having controlled consumption and greed along with a wisdom that there are limits to our Mother Nature. We have to respect those limits; co-existing with all other living and non-living things.

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