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Tree Treasury

An Honest Effort To List Native Plants With "Right Plant At Right Place" Thought

Tree Treasury

Always a question comes to everyone’s mind – Which plants should I plant in the available area? Even a good gardener sometimes fails to answer this question to our satisfaction. Below is our honest and sincere effort to list plants by location. Please note that this list is to give basic idea about which well known plants can be planted in the available space. There are many tree, sub-tree, shrub, vegetable and herb species which are not yet listed below.

We would keep updating all the lists and relevant information here. 

Plants for Balcony

Holy Basil (तुळस), Herb of grace/Indian pennywort (ब्राम्ही), Buttermilk root (शतावरी), Ginger (आले), Turmeric (हळद), Foetid cassia (चाकवत), Spinach (पालक), Red Amaranth (माठ), Green Sorrel (आंबटचूका), Taro (अळू), Safflower (करडई), Red Sorrel (अंबाडी), Indian Charcoal (घोळ), Radish (मुळा), Elephant Yam (सुरण), Beetroot (बीट), Ajwain (ओवा), Coriander Leaves (कोथिंबीर), Onion (कांदा), Garlic (लसूण), Orange Jasmine (कुंती), Bayur Tree (कनकचंपा), Khas (वाळा), Lemon Grass (गवती चहा), Sweet Flag (वेखंड), Malabar Nut (अडूळसा)

Plants Growing in Less Sunlight

Giant Taro (शोभेचा अळू)*, Red Ginger (अल्पिनिया)*, Begonia (बेगोनिया)*, Bird of Paradise*, Fern (फर्न)*, Turmeric (हळद)*, (Hanging Lobster Claw) हेलीकोनिया*, Water Lilies (कुमुद), Peace Lilies (नागफणी)*, Betel (नागवेल / विडा)*, Yellow Flax (नेवाळी), Corn Mint (पुदिना)*, White Ginger Lily (सोनटक्का)*, Garden Balsam(तेरडा), Ginger (आले)*, Black Pepper (काळी मिरी)*, Siamese Ginger (कोष्ट कोलींजन)*, Indian Pennywort (मंडूकपर्णी), Indian Madder (मंजिष्ठ), Marjoram(मरवा)*, Malabar or Indian Spinach (मायाळू)*, Indian Long Pepper (पिंपळी)

Plants for Terrace

Holy Basil (तुळस), Herb of grace/Indian pennywort (ब्राम्ही), Buttermilk root (शतावरी), Ginger (आले), Turmeric (हळद), Foetid cassia (चाकवत), Spinach (पालक), Red Amaranth (माठ), Green Sorrel (आंबटचूका), Taro (अळू), Safflower (करडई), Red Sorrel (अंबाडी), Indian Charcoal (घोळ), Radish (मुळा), Elephant Yam (सुरण), Beetroot (बीट), Ajwain (ओवा), Coriander Leaves (कोथिंबीर), Onion (कांदा), Garlic (लसूण), Orange Jasmine (कुंती), Bayur Tree (कनकचंपा), Khas (वाळा), Lemon Grass (गवती चहा), Sweet Flag (वेखंड), Malabar Nut (अडूळसा), Curry Leaves (कढीपत्ता), Bottle gourd (दुधी भोपळा), Red Pumpkin (लाल भोपळा), Snake gourd (पडवळ), Smooth gourd (घोसाळे), Ridge gourd (दोडका), Bitter gourd (कारले), Ash gourd (कोहळा), Cucumber (काकडी), Ivy/Pointed gourd (तोंडली), Indian Squash (टिंडा/ ढेमसे), Spiny Gourd (करटोली), Okra/Ladies Finger (भेंडी), Brinjal (वांगे), Capsicum (ढोबळी मिरची), Cluster Beans (गवार), Green Beans (घेवडा), Cabbage (पत्ताकोबी), Cauliflower (फुलवर)

Plants near Walls/in Road Dividers

Night Jasmine (पारिजातक), Orange Jasmine (कुंती), Five-Leaf Chaste Tree (निरगुडी), Spanish Cherry (बकुळ), Golden Champa (सोनचाफा), Bidi Leaf Tree (आपटा)

Plants near Bungalow/Farm House

Elephant Apple (कवठ), Indian Jujube (बोर), Indian Blackberry (जांभूळ), Champa (चाफा), Night Jasmine (पारिजातक), Mango (आंबा), Guava (पेरु), Sapodila (चिकू), Bastard teak (पळस), Indian Coral Tree (पांगारा), Neem (कडूनिंब), Spanish Cherry (बकुळ), Putranjiva (पुत्रंजीव), Burflower Tree (कदंब), Scholar Tree (सातवीण (सप्तपर्णी)), Chebulic Myrobalan (हिरडा), Belliric Myrobalan (बेहडा), Indian gooseberry (आवळा), Broken Bones Tree (टेटू), Gamhar (शिवण), Indian Kino (बीजा), Cluster Fig (उंबर), Papaya (पपई), Orange (संत्री), Sweet Lemon (मोसंबी), Drumstick (शेवगा), Curry Leaves (कढीपत्ता), Lemon (लिंबू), Banana (केळी), Custord Apple (सीताफळ), Fig (अंजीर), Castor Oil Plant (एरंड)

Fast Growing Trees for Garden Architects

Burflower Tree (कदंब), Glue Berry (भोकर), Indian Coral Tree (पांगारा), Mountain Ebony (कांचन), Indian Laburnum (बहावा), Cotton Tree (काटे सावर), Lebbek Tree (शिरीष), White Siris (किनई), Scholar Tree (सातवीण (सप्तपर्णी)), Persian lilac (बकान नीम), Drumstick (शेवगा), Vgetable Hummingbird (हादगा), Night Jasmine (पारिजातक), Fishtail Palm (भेरली माड), Bamboo (भेरली माड)

Plants for Society/Corporate Garden

Burflower Tree (कदंब), Bastard teak (पळस), Indian Coral Tree (पांगारा), Sorrowless Tree (सीता-अशोक), Malabar Nut (अडूळसा), Wood Apple (बेल), Orange Jasmine (कुंती), Night Jasmine (पारिजातक), Indian Laburnum (बहावा), Elephant Apple (कवठ), Red Bead Tree (रतनगुंज), Pithraj Tree (रोहितक), Entire-Leaved Elm Tree (वावळ), Garlic Pear Tree (वायवर्ण), Gamhar (शिवण), Bidi Leaf Tree (आपटा), Bayur Tree (कनकचंपा), Fishtail Palm (भेरली माड), Wild Date Palm (शिंदी), Waras (वारस), North Indian rosewood (शिसम), Pride of India (तामण), Bamboo (बांबू)

Floral Beauty (पुष्प सौंदर्ययुक्त) Trees

Garlic Pear Tree (वायवर्ण), Star Fruit (करमळ), Bastard teak (पळस), Corky Coral Tree (बूच पांगारा), Showy Silk Cotton Tree (देव सावर), Waras (वारस), Indian Kino (बीजा), Phanashi (फणशी), Broken Bones Tree (टेटू), Surangi (सुरंगी), Indian Butter Tree (मोह), Sorrowless Tree (सीता-अशोक), Yellow Snake Tree (पाटल)

Leafy Beauty (पर्णशोभीवंत) Trees

Curtain Fig (नांद्रूक), Beauty Leaf (उंडी), Indian olibanum (सालई), Kalam (कळम), Indian Almond (जंगली बदाम), Ceylon Oak (कुसुंब), Wild Date Palm (शिंदी), Arjuna (अर्जुन), Indian Blackberry (जांभूळ), Entire-Leaved Elm Tree (वावळ)

Plants for Lawn

Indian doob grass (दूर्वा), Mandkuparni (मंडूकपर्णी)

Plants for Natural Hedge

Five-Leaf Chaste Tree (निरगुडी), Karvy (कारवी), Malabar Nut (अडूळसा), Henna Tree (मेंदी), Cactus (निवडूंग), Yellow Nicker (सागरगोटा), Orange Jasmine (कुंती), Bamboo (बांबू)

Plants for Farm Boundaries/Borders

Guava (पेरु), Papaya (पपई), Orange (संत्री), Sweet Lemon (मोसंबी), Indian Blackberry (जांभूळ), Drumstick (शेवगा), Currey Leaves (कढीपत्ता), Lemon (लिंबू), Banana (केळी), Custord Apple (सीताफळ), Fig (अंजीर), Castor Oil Plant (एरंड), Indian Jujube (बोर), Sapodila (चिकू), Black Currant (करवंद)

Plants for Parks

Bastard teak (पळस), Indian Coral Tree (पांगारा), Arjuna (अर्जुन), North Indian rosewood (शिसम), Cotton Tree (काटे सावर), Indian Almond (जंगली बदाम), Lebbek Tree (शिरीष), Pride of India (तामण), Mountain Ebony (कांचन), Cluster Fig (उंबर), Sorrowless Tree (सीता-अशोक), Scholar Tree (सातवीण (सप्तपर्णी)), Wood Apple (बेल), Orange Jasmine (कुंती), Persian lilac (बकान नीम), Indian Laburnum (बहावा), Elephant Apple (कवठ), Star Fruit (करमळ), Red Bead Tree (रतनगुंज), Pithraj Tree (रोहितक), Entire-Leaved Elm Tree (वावळ), Garlic Pear Tree (वायवर्ण), Gamhar (शिवण), Bidi Leaf Tree (आपटा), Bayur Tree (कनकचंपा), White Siris (किनई), Indian persimmon/Gaab (टेमरू), Broken Bones Tree (टेटू), Indian Tulip Tree (परस पिंपळ), Putranjiva (पुत्रंजीव), Spanish Cherry (बकुळ), Burgund (बुरगुंड), Maple-leaved Bayur Tree (मुचकुंद), Glue Berry (भोकर), Khejri Tree (शमी), Burflower Tree (कदंब), Waras (वारस), Bamboo (बांबू)

Plants for Roadside

Banyan Tree (वड), Sacred Fig Tree (पिंपळ), Curtain Fig (नांद्रूक), Pongam (करंज), Neem (कडूनिंब), Mango (आंबा), Spanish Cherry (बकुळ), Glue Berry (भोकर), Tamarind (चिंच), Burflower Tree (कदंब), Sorrowless Tree (सीता-अशोक), Scholar Tree (सातवीण (सप्तपर्णी)), Persian lilac (बकान नीम), Indian Laburnum (बहावा), Red Bean Tree (रतनगुंज), Pithraj Tree (रोहितक), Entire-Leaved Elm Tree (वावळ), Garlic Pear Tree (वायवर्ण), Gamhar (शिवण), Bidi Leaf Tree (आपटा), White Siris (किनई), Indian Tulip Tree (परस पिंपळ), Glue Berry (भोकर), Waras (वारस)

* This symbol means cultivated / hybridized / non-invasive plants, which you can avoid planting if you don’t want to.

Nurseries for Native Plants
  • Pranjal Nursery, Aundh, Pune
  • Empress Garden, Ghorpadi, Pune
  • Above list is a generalized list of local plant species. Based on you locality, first check which plants, which types of plants are growing or were growing in your area. Accordingly chose such species which are/were there in your area. The reason for this recommendation is that, it is observed that, based on locality, region even within the same state the species vary. Let us be thoughtful and perceptive.
  • Reject big lawns. Plant shrubs instead.
  • Reject non-native plant species. While purchasing ask for origin of the tree. If the seller is not aware then do not buy rather search for the origin.
  • Insist for the seeds of native species of each plant including the vegetables.
  • Planting exotic, non-native plants is an injustice to local living things.
  • Reject Gulmohor, Neelgiri, Suru, Silver Oak, Neelmohor.
  • We cannot match with the natural jungle that evolves over thousands of years however we can achieve as much native diversity as possible.
  • Make the children aware that every fruit on the tree is not just for human but for everyone in nature.

Keep periodic watch for updates to above list.

Related: Plants Catalog: Maharashtra State, Tree Eminence
Books Must Read: आपले वृक्ष, देशी वृक्ष, लागवड

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2 Responses

  1. Nilesh Shirode

    Hi Team

    I believe there could be another category for road dividers and I personally believe there is lot of scope to do plantation over there. I am unaware of the rules though 🙂

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