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Ornithologist Mr. Kiran Purandare, The 'Avalia' Talking To Birds

"What Is The Way To Express Yourself To Ease Your Mind, To Relieve Your Suffering?"

Ornithologist Mr. Kiran Purandare, The ‘Avalia’ Talking To Birds

Note: This interview is in Marathi language

Mr. Kiran Purandare means nature’s Sound Engineer

He passionately talked on below different topics.

1. A nature freak lost in love with the forest
2. Conversation with animals, birds and forest
3. Environmental Protection
4. Bird sounds and types of those sounds
5. Night-stay
6. “Shukasarikapralapankala”
7. Auditory Memory – Ability to remember sounds heard
8. Sharing joys and sorrows with nature
9. Instinct
10. Identify wind direction
11. Vyankatesh Madgulkar
12. Learning to see different aspects of nature
13. An open school without walls
14. Bird migration and the science behind it
15. Nature-friendly lifestyle of tribals
16. What is true nature conservation
17. The current state of the polar bear
18. The art of being alone
19. Tiger’s heat regulation
20. What is true bird love?
21. Plant a tree and help it survive
22. Although man is a part of nature, he behaves unnaturally
23. Birds have been on Earth even before man appeared
24. Natural pest control
25. To conserve nature, one must first learn to observe nature
26. Cultivating diversity and biodiversity
27. Nature’s own cleaning system
28. To develop children’s interest in nature
29. Want money or satisfaction?
30. A man’s corner of happiness or pupa of happiness
31. Work like a workaholic
32. Find the formula of life
33. Social distance pre-existing in nature
34. Being one with nature

Also Read: Save Our Forests

Also Watch: Why Cities Need Trees?, Our Planet: A Sanctuary For All Life, Should Human Think Only Of Itself?, Climate Change: Rise Of Wet-Bulb Temperatures Harming Human Health, ‘Forest-Sage’ – Maruti Chitampalli (Marathi), On The Way To The Success (Marathi) – Mr. Kiran Purandare, The Gaia Theory Explained

Video Credit: ABP MAZA

Note: Please note that above video is not any kind of advertisement or support to any individual or organization. Our only intention is to convey the environment message to viewers through the video.

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