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The Quantity Of Incurable Diseases Is Increasing Due To These Mistakes Of Ours

"The Mentality Of Excessive Consumption Is Adversely Affecting Our Mental Health."

The Quantity Of Incurable Diseases Is Increasing Due To These Mistakes Of Ours

Is our vision of development going astray? Is our development environmentally unfriendly? Are Western countries exploiting India? Do solutions to global problems lie in Indian philosophy? Is the consumerist mentality deteriorating our mental health?

Also Read: Save Our Forests

Also Watch: Why Cities Need Trees?, Our Planet: A Sanctuary For All Life, Should Human Think Only Of Itself?, Climate Change: Rise Of Wet-Bulb Temperatures Harming Human Health, ‘Forest-Sage’ – Maruti Chitampalli (Marathi), The Gaia Theory Explained

Video Credit: Think Bank

Note: Please note that above video is not any kind of advertisement or support to any individual or organization. Our only intention is to convey the environment message to viewers through the video..

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