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The Moments in the nature must be captured the moment they are seen or observed otherwise as the saint Dnyaneshwar had told our mind tends to forget them easily and the very next moment we see a completely different form of nature.
This book documents the extraordinary moments experiences be respected author, the sage of jungles in current era, Mr. Maruti Chitampalli, Ex. Forester – for only those who have curiosity about nature.
अगदी आदल्या क्षणाचे रूप शिळे झाले ते टाकायचे, नवे धारण करायचे. तेही बदलायला क्षणार्ध काही लागायचा नाही. पुन्हा नवे - पुन्हा नवे - श्री. मारुती चितमपल्ली, वनअधिकारी आणि लेखक