Vrukshavalli Aamha Soyari …
वृक्षवल्ली आम्हां सोयरे वनचरें।
पक्षीही सुस्वरें आळविती ॥१॥
येणें सुखें रुचे एकांताचा वास ।
नाहीं गुणदोष अंगा येत ॥२॥
आकाश मंडप पृथिवी आसन।
रमे तेथे मन क्रीडा करूं ॥३॥
कंथा कमंडलू देह उपचारा |
जाणवितो वारा अवसरू ॥४॥
हरिकथा भोजन परवडी विस्तार।
करोनि प्रकार सेवूं रुची ॥५॥
तुका म्हणे होय मनासी संवाद।
आपुलाचि वाद आपणांसी ॥६॥
– संत तुकाराम
• In this forest, many kinds of vines, trees, animals and birds that praise God with their sweet voice, have become our close companions. ||१||
• This happiness is in the scenic forest. So we love solitude in the forest. Also, since the people who talk about merits and shortcomings are not here thus merits and shortcomings does not stick to us. ॥२॥
• For us the sky is like a platform and the earth is a seat. Sitting here, the mind capers joyfully. ॥३॥
• For the treatment of the body there is quilt and for water there is ‘Kamandalu’. We get the sense of time from the blowing wind. ॥४॥
• Here we have Harikatha in our food (food for thought), we prepare different recipes of it and consume it in various ways with great interest. ॥५॥
• Tukaram Maharaj says, in solitude we communicate with our mind. Reasonings are also mind to mind. ॥६॥
Note: Above is an English translation of the Marathi gist taken from the below reference book. Any mistake in English translation of the same is ours.
श्री संत तुकाराम महाराजांची सार्थ अभंगगाथा
वै. जोगमहाराज सांप्रदायिक
Would it be possible to explain using any other words, in such a brief and simple terms, the importance of nature and inspiration to human?
Also Read: Indian Culture And Nature – Part 2
Thanks for sharing. You are doing a great divine duty . God Bless.
Keep it up. My best Wishes