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Ranbhaji Information - Vaidya Mrs. Pournima Kulkarni

"It Is Extremely Serious If We Are Prioritizing Money Over Our Health!"

Ranbhaji Information – Vaidya Mrs. Pournima Kulkarni

“Wild vegetables are those that grow naturally without farming. They primarily grow in forests, on the edges of fields, and on wastelands. These vegetables possess many medicinal properties. In this video, Mrs. Pournima Kulkarni, an Ayurvedic graduate from Dapoli, provides information on the seasonal cycle, the relationship between wild vegetables and seasons, details about these vegetables, and guidance on how, when, and in what quantities they should be consumed.”

“The mushrooms that sprout when the plump raindrops fall during the Pushya Nakshatra are safe to eat without any hesitation.”

“It is extremely serious if we are prioritizing money over our health!”

“Instead of merely considering the nutritional and medicinal properties of wild vegetables, if we view them in a broader context—thinking about connecting with nature and making our lifestyle healthier and more eco-friendly—then we will truly be celebrating the festival of wild vegetables.”

Also Read: Save Our Forests, Indian Festivals, Celebrations For Conserving Biodiversity And Health, Season’s Cycle

Also Watch: Why Is Biodiversity So Important?, Why Cities Need Trees?, Our Planet: A Sanctuary For All Life, Should Human Think Only Of Itself?, ‘Forest-Sage’ – Maruti Chitampalli (Marathi), A Saga Of A Forest: A Film On Western Ghats By Ecological Society

Video Credit: Taluka Dapoli

Note: Please note that above video is not any kind of advertisement or support to any individual or organization. Our only intention is to convey the environment message to viewers through the video.

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